Hey it's Xena!
A few weeks ago my class was leaning about cinematography. Cinematography is the art of using, moving and positioning the camera and camera lens.
There are many different types of camera angles and shot types. Some of these angles are overshot, a high angle shot, an eye level shot, a low angle shot, an under shot, and a point of view shot. Some shot types are an extreme long shot, a long shot, full shot, medium shot, medium close up, close up, and extreme close up. Some camera movement angles are tracking, planning, tilting, dolling, dolly in, dolly out, whip pan, zoom, reverse dolly zoom, cane/boom shot, steady cam./gimble, hand held, rack focus. All camera angles have a purpose. An overshot is directly above the action looking straight down. A high angle shot can imply that someone is weak or small. An eye level view can give the audience a sense of realism. A low angle shot can make the subject look intimidating, strong, or important. An under shot can be used to convey/carry extreme power. A point of view shot is used the show the perspective of a subject. Just like angles have a purpose so do different shot types. An extreme long shot is used to set a time and place. A long shot is used to show the subject from a distance, emphasizing a place or location. A full shot emphasizes action and movement rather than the emotional state of a subject. A medium shot focuses on the character while still showing some environment. A medium close up allows us to focus on facial expressions and mannerisms helping us with the characters emotional state. A close up is used to see the subjects emotions and reactions. An extreme close up is used to emphasize a small area or detail of the subject.
After we were given all this information, we were assigned a PowerPoint slide. For this slide the had to take various pictures with different types of angle. When we were finished taking these pictures we uploaded them to the computer and put them on the PowerPoint slide. We also had to find two images of the same shot or angle.

Before learning about the different camera angles, shots, and movements I knew nothing about it. But when we first got introduced to this topic the only questions I had were, "How many different types of camera angles could there possibly be?" and "What purpose do they serve in a movie?" But once we had learned the material I learned the most used camera angles and shot types in today's movies. And that they have many different purposes in a movie.